If your child is under the age of three, we would like to invite you into our office for a complimentary first dentist appointment - no further commitment required!
In dentistry, nitrous oxide, also known as "laughing gas," is a safe and odorless gas used to help children relax during dental procedures. It is a mild sedative delivered through a small mask over the nose to reduce anxiety and discomfort. Dentists can easily control the nitrous oxide level, ensuring a personalized experience. After the procedure, children breathe pure oxygen for 5 minutes and can resume normal activities. This method at available at Poppy Kids Pediatric Dentistry aims to make dental visits more comfortable, offering disposable masks with enjoyable scents such as bubblegum, strawberry, and grape for kids to choose from.
In the dental office, general anesthesia is a specialized approach used for comprehensive dental care in children. Administered by trained anesthesia providers, it ensures that the child is completely asleep and unaware during the treatment. This approach is traditionally considered for extensive or invasive procedures, providing a safe and comfortable experience for each child. Throughout the procedure, vital signs are closely monitored to guarantee the child's well-being. Once the treatment is finished, the child gradually wakes up, and their recovery is carefully supervised. General anesthesia is particularly helpful for children who may have difficulty cooperating during longer or more involved dental work, or for those with unique healthcare needs. At Poppy Kids Pediatric Dentistry, we are proud to collaborate with Bay Anesthesia, an exceptional local dental anesthesiology team renowned for their expertise and commitment to safety. Dr. Andrea has worked closely with them for years and feels privileged to have them as part of the team.